Do you want chickens that lay plenty of eggs to keep you, family, and friends well off for years to come? Then you should know about the Cinnamon Queen chicken. This is one hybrid that is very popular among those who want dual purpose chickens. Before adding a Cinnamon Queen or several to your flock, keep reading to learn more about their appearance, temperament, and egg production.
History of the Cinnamon Queen Chicken
Relatively new when compared to other breeds like the Maran, the Cinnamon Queen does not have a long history. However, since the day the Cinnamon Queen was discovered, it has had many fans. Will you be one?
The Cinnamon Queen was discovered when a Rhode Island Red rooster and Rhode Island White hen were combined. The goal of this pairing was to create a chicken that was resilient, fast-growing, and capable of laying tons of eggs in a few years. Interestingly, males of this hybrid pairing hatch white, while the hens hatch a brilliant reddish brown (hence the “cinnamon”).
When these chickens first hatch, you can immediately tell the males apart from the females, because the females are darker.
Keep in the mind that, because Cinnamon Queens are hybrids, they are not recognized breeds. If you see a breeder attempting to sell a “true” Cinnamon Queen, that is just a marketing ploy.
Cinnamon Queen Appearance
Since the American Poultry Association does not accept hybrids as standardized breeds, there is no standard for the appearance of the Cinnamon Queen. The Cinnamon Queen is a pretty looking chicken, be they male or female. The females are a spicy shade of brown, sometimes with tips of white or patches of a lighter amber. Their tail feathers tend to be a lighter color than the rest of their bodies. The color of their beaks is bone, and their wattles and combs are red.
Roosters, on the other hand, are the inverse of the females. Their heads, necks, and backs are an off-white color. The saddle feathers may be reddish-brown or sand-colored. Cinnamon Queen roosters (should we call them Kings?) also have red combs and wattles. Both sexes have eyes that are yellowish-orange.
These are compact but heavy hybrid chickens. A Cinnamon Queen rooster can reach 7.5 lbs easily. Meanwhile, hens settle around 4.5-5.5 lbs when fully grown. A proper diet is necessary for them to reach this weight or even get a little heavier.
Due to the cross between a Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White, most Cinnamon Queens look nearly identical. Though they may look quite plain compared to a Brahma or Wyandotte or Polish chicken, Cinnamon Queens (and Kings) are lovely additions to any flock.
Cinnamon Queen Chicken Temperament
There are many reasons to consider owning a couple Cinnamon Queens, including their overall utility. Yet, it would be a shame to look at the fowl only for its egg-laying and meat when this breed has such a wonderful personality. First time chicken keepers love Cinnamon Queens, because they are low maintenance and incredibly friendly towards people and other animals. Docile and amicable, the Cinnamon Queen does not act as regal as her name suggests. Instead, they are low-key, sweet, and quiet.
You can anticipate your Cinnamon Queens integrating into the flock without much problem. They will get along with all the other chickens, and they will not seek to upset the pecking order, either. What might surprise you, though, is their earnestness when it comes to getting a few pets and a treat. Cinnamon Queens crave affection.
Young children are also safe around Cinnamon Queen hens. They do not get testy, and they will enjoy the companionship. Just make sure that your child understands how to handle chickens and give them respectful pets before leaving them to wander amid the flock.
Egg Laying and Broodiness
Much of the love for Cinnamon Queens comes from their ability to lay up to 300 eggs a year. Imagine if you have a whole flock of these hens! Aside from laying a huge number of eggs, those eggs are considered jumbo-sized. Large, brown, and delicious, Cinnamon Queens have eggs worthy of an award.
At the age of 16-18 weeks, Cinnamon Queen pullets will lay their first egg. From that point, the Cinnamon Queen will continue laying, their eggs getting larger. A hen with a mature laying cycle will deliver eggs throughout the week (though the rate slows in the winter). Such productivity will affect your Cinnamon Queen, though, and her egg-laying abilities will deteriorate the older she gets.
How to Care for a Cinnamon Queen Chicken
Now that you know more about the origin and purpose of this breed, you may be wondering how easy they are to raise and own. Cinnamon Queens are manageable, making them the ideal breed for those novice chicken keepers looking to snag a few quick eggs. However, there are some things that cannot be overlooked. Cinnamon Queens are hybrids, meaning they have characteristics and needs similar to their parents.
Feeding Tips
Any chicken that is capable of yielding a large amount of eggs throughout the year is going to need a lot more food than breeds that don’t make a lot of eggs. After all, developing and hatching eggs takes a lot of energy. Since these birds lay eggs almost every day of the week, they are scorching through calories, vitamins, and nutrients. In order to be as productive as possible, Cinnamon Queens need the best food. Make sure they are also getting supplements to encourage stronger eggshells.
Generally, Cinnamon Queens should receive a feed that is about 16% protein. Any lower than that, and the lack of protein will slow down egg production. Commercial feed will not be good enough. Add a little layer feed or some mealworms to your chicken’s meals. Dried mealworms are among the best treats for Cinnamon Queens, since they are comprosed of about 53% protein.
You will also want to give your Cinnamon Queen hens protein-rich snacks, including sprouted lentils, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Calcium from crushed oyster or eggshells is also valuable to these chickens.
Leafy greens will provide your Cinnamon Queen hens with the rest of the vitamins that may be missing from their diet. Once in a while, give your hens a snack of fruit or vegetables for the highest level of nutrition.
Feeding Cinnamon Queen Chicks
Hybrid breeds always grow at an alarmingly fast pace. Cinnamon Queen chicks are no different. Cinnamon Queen chicks need loads of protein — around 20% protein — to maintain their development and help them sprout adult feathers. Your baby chicks should eat their starter feed exclusively for the first couple of weeks. Since pullets start popping out eggs rather quickly, consider getting your pullets on a calcium grit as soon as you are able.
Housing Tips
Cinnamon Queens are large birds with a lot of dense plumage. Therefore, your coop should be built to support the weight of these hefty chickens. For this breed, it is recommended that you provide them with 20 square feet each when in the coop. The nest boxes can be of normal size, but you are going to need to provide plenty of space for the hens to sit.
Since Cinnamon Queens do not lay consistently during the colder months due a lack of light, consider adding a skylight to the coop. Adding more daylight hours to the inside of the coop will prompt your Cinnamon Queens to lay more than usual.
Do not forget to add some insulation to the walls of the coop, as well as the floor, nesting boxes, and roosts in the wintertime.
Common Health Problems
All too often, hybrid chickens have a plethora of medical issues to contend with throughout their lifespan. Cinnamon Queens, fortunately, do not have as many problems. Being that they are the result of a cross between two very hardy breeds, it makes sense that Cinnamon Queens retained some of that resilience. That said, there are some common health problems that owners of Cinnamon Queens should know.
Here are the health problems a Cinnamon Queen is most likely to develop:
- Egg quality diminishes with age.
- Being that Cinnamon Queens are hybrids and massive egg producers, they have an increased risk of egg binding, internal laying, and reproductive cancer.
- The strain on their reproductive tract can cause intense discomfort.
- Cinnamon Queens require massive amounts of feed; poor quality food will harm their digestive tract rapidly.
- Lack of water and overcrowded coops will make Cinnamon Queens (along with most breeds of chicken) highly stressed, increasing their risk of untimely death.
- Vulnerability to coccidiosis, salmonellosis, avian influenza, and fowl pox.
How Long Do Cinnamon Queens Live?
On average, a Cinnamon Queen chicken can live between 3 and 7 years, depending on the quality of their care. Often, these chickens die around 3 years, but that can be prolonged. Though rare, in ideal living conditions, the Cinnamon Queen, along with other chicken breeds, can live to nearly 10 years! Although they are a hybrid, they have a much longer lifespan.
As mentioned above, Cinnamon Queens have only a handful of medical issues to keep in mind. The biggest threat to their life are predators. So long as you keep an eye on your Cinnamon Queens while they free range around the yard, they should live a long and happy life.
Do Cinnamon Queens Breed True?
As with other hybrids, Cinnamon Queens do not breed true. The outcome of a Rhode Island Red rooster pairing with the Rhode Island White hen will always be a Cinnamon Queen. However, if you try to breed a Cinnamon Queen with a Cinnamon Queen, you are going to get a mixture of chicks, some of them in colors and sizes you might not have anticipated. Furthermore, they will no longer be sex-linked.
You can certainly go on to breed your Cinnamon Queens, but just know that the outcome is never another round of the same bird. You will still get phenomenal chicks with excellent egg-producing abilities.
Are Cinnamon Queen Chickens Good For Meat?
Most definitely. Remember, one of the goals in creating the Cinnamon Queen was to get eggs and meat from the same chicken. Once the hen has delivered all the eggs she can, many keepers decide to use their chicken for food. Cinnamon Queens are large and heavy, promising delicious meat. Roosters are especially great for their meat production, since they are dense birds.
According to other chicken keepers, the meat from both Cinnamon Queen roosters and hens is flavorful, lean, and tender.
Final Thoughts on the Cinnamon Queen
Is the Cinnamon Queen a great bird for your flock? You bet! Considering that this dual purpose hybrid is adept at egg-laying, grows large enough to feed your family, and is a friendly creature, the Cinnamon Queen has few disadvantages. Furthermore, these birds are low maintenance and resilient. This breed is one that sure won’t disappoint, so consider adding a Cinnamon Queen or several to your flock today.
Valerie has been content writing since 2016 for websites and companies all around the world. A traveler, dancer, martial artist, Valerie loves gathering experiences and wisdom. Her travels have taken her to over 20 countries, and she hopes to see more of the world soon.