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The 7 Best Organic Chicken Feed Brands For Your Laying Hens

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an old-timer in the business of raising high-quality birds or are just starting to understand the trade; you need to select nothing but the best organic chicken feed to produce the best eggs. It’s as simple as that.

But you might find it challenging to pick the right feed due to the overwhelming number of brands available right now…with more and more entering the market each year!

Everyone claims to have the best feed. So who do you listen to? We got you; this article will help you by providing the top seven organic brands that produce reliable chicken feed for your hens. 

Now we’ll jump straight into the reviews of the top rated organic chicken feed brands, and then we’ll show you how to choose the right brand for your needs (aka your chickens needs).

We’ve put together a buying guide below the reviews to help make your choice of chicken feed easier based on your chickens age, and whether you aim to raise for eggs, meat or both (everyone is different). Click here to jump to that section, otherwise, here are the top picks:

The 7 Best Chicken Feed Brands (organic options)

Check out our favorite chicken feed brands for backyard chickens that pop out an abundance of healthy fresh organic eggs.

(Products are arranged by suitable age – from youngest to oldest.)

Product Name Details
TOP PICK TOP PICK Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed – Layer Formula
  • Suitable age: All
  • Form: Mash
  • Package weight: 25lb

Budget Pick Budget Pick Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet
  • Suitable age: 1st egg onwards
  • Form: Pellet
  • Package weight: 50lb

For Growers For Growers Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles
  • Suitable age: 8-16 weeks
  • Form: Crumble
  • Package weight: 10lb / 30lb

For Mature Layers For Mature Layers No products found. Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feed
  • Suitable age: 18 weeks onwards
  • Form: Whole grain
  • Package weight: 10lb / 25lb / 50lb

Manna Pro Layer Pellets For Chickens Manna Pro Layer Pellets For Chickens
  • Suitable age: 16 weeks onwards
  • Form: Pellet
  • Package weight: 30lb

Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed
  • Suitable age: 18 weeks onwards
  • Form: Pellet
  • Package weight: 20lb

Suitable for Chickens AND Ducks Suitable for Chickens AND Ducks Scratch and Peck Feeds Scratch and Peck Feeds
  • Suitable age: 20 weeks onwards
  • Form: Whole grain
  • Package weight: 10lb / 25lb

1. Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed – Layer Formula – Top Pick

Prairie's Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed - Layer Formula


  • Suitable age: All ages

  • Form: Mash
  • Package weight: 25lb

Choosing what to feed your chickens might be difficult if you’re still new to a chicken’s digestive system. However, most chicken keepers recommended feeds free of GMO because it’s easier to digest and is packed with all the essential nutrients. 

Fortunately, Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed eliminated this element as the product is GMO-free, making it easy to digest.

Besides being mild on your chicken’s internal organs, balanced, and nutritious, it also contains non-chemically treated Soybeans, which are high in proteins & fiber, a good source of antioxidants, phytoestrogens, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

This product is also a reliable option if you’re looking for a feed that ensures your chickens stay in optimal strength and health and produces healthier, high-quality eggs. Also, Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed will keep your flock well-fed and happy. 

The ingredients of this bird food are grown in the United States and packaged in the same territory. Their close attention to detail makes them a reliable brand when it comes to poultry health and nutrition.

Finally, the nutritional value of this product includes fiber, protein, phosphorus, calcium, fat, and salt. You’ll also find folic acid, vitamins, and other essential nutrients to keep your chickens healthy and the eggs rolling.

While designed for chickens from 16 weeks onwards, the Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Chicken Feed – Layer Formula is enjoyed by chickens of all ages. This is because the feed is in crumble form, so it’s gentle on any ages’ digestive systems.

Also, you can find all the nutrients necessary to take your flock from their little phase to becoming egg making machines.

2. Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles – Best For Growers

Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles


  • Suitable age: 8-16 weeks

  • Form: Crumble
  • Package weight: 10lb / 30lb

Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles is the perfect option if you’re looking for the right feed for chickens that are too young to be Layers and too old to be called chicks (a.k.a. Growers). At this stage in their development, these birds need the right nutrient to stimulate muscle growth and prepare them for egg production. 

This product is an aid in the development of your chickens by naturally improving their muscle growth, weight gain, and overall size without any adverse effects. In case you’re worried, Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles contains no medications, pesticides, synthetic materials, or any genetically modified ingredient. 

Additionally, this chicken feed is USDA certified organic, making it a product that’s guaranteed to serve you effectively. 

What makes Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles one of the best feed for chickens is the concentrated amount of protein content in the product (up to 17% protein). This nutrient is the primary building block for cell development – especially growth. 

With protein being a significant part of your hen’s diet, she will develop muscles quickly, gain weight, and grow visually appealing feathers. Above all, you can expect a healthy and steady production of eggs when the time arrives as Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles would have made her organs fit for the task.

If you’re worried that your hens aren’t 100% suitable to consume this feed without spilling it everywhere neatly, you opt for the best automatic chicken feeder on the market. Including this product in your poultry will save you money on chicken feed.

Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles is developed for Growers ages 8-16 weeks. They’re too young to be Layers and too old to be called chicks. Additionally, this product contains the necessary nutrients essential for chicken at this development stage as their primary focus is muscle and bone development. It’s the complete feed for a small flock. 

3. Manna Pro Layer Pellets for Chickens

Manna Pro Layer Pellets for Chickens


  • Suitable age: 16 weeks onwards

  • Form: Pellet
  • Package weight: 30lb

The Manna Pro Layer Pellets for chickens. This product is designed to maximize the nutrition of your hens through the power of a non-organic non-GMO blend.

It’s also worth noting that this product has been certified by the USDA, meaning you’re purchasing an item that has been tested and trusted. 

Manna Pro Layer Pellets have a high concentration of protein, which is included to improve the overall health of your flock and encourage the production of organic and nutritious yolks. 

The 16% protein that’s contained in this chicken feed also helps to boost the chicken’s strength, resistance to the elements, and egg quality. Despite the density of nutrients in this product, it only weighs approximately 30 pounds, which is relatively easy to carry. 

Since the Manna Pro chicken feed comes in Pellets, it is perfect for ducks and even fully grown layers to consume. Besides, putting the meal in this form helps improve feed wastage and maximize consumption. 

Unlike other products (not on this list), this chicken feed is void of artificial coloring and flavor, enabling the brand to maintain their promise of the meal being 100% organic. Although this chicken feed is on the high side of the price spectrum, it is a worthwhile purchase if you desire an increase in product and quality.

The feed within Manna Pro Layer Pellets for Chickens comes in Pellets, which is thicker than the standard feed size for growers. In other words, this bird food is appropriate for larger chickens and even other full-grown feathered creatures like ducks and geese. It comes complete with all the nutrients necessary to give your flock healthy immune systems and sturdy bodies.

4. Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feed – Best For Mature Layers

No products found.


  • Suitable age: 18 weeks onwards

  • Form: Whole grain
  • Package weight: 10lb / 25lb / 50lb

Since you’re in search of the perfect chicken feed that contains the nutrients necessary to stimulate faster egg production (naturally and safely) and also grow healthy chickens, Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feed is what you need. 

This feed is a healthy combination of fresh, natural ingredients such as oats, wheat, sunflowers, peas, and other types of nuts. These elements nourish your chickens with Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, L-arginine, Calcium, plant sterols, proteins, and many more. You’ll be feeding your birds with the diet of a bodybuilder. 

In case you’re wondering, Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feed is GMO-free, which makes it one of the best organic chicken feed as it’s safe and naturally develops your chickens. (1)

Suppose you’ve had problems with other products where your chickens avoid the feed or regurgitate them later. In that case, you can trust this product as the manufacturer assured that it’s specially made to be compatible with all layers’ digestive systems. 

The Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feed has a long shelf life and doesn’t spoil quickly. However, the rotting process will speed up if you expose the bag to direct sunlight & moisture or forget to close the bag after usage. 

With the ingredients and amount of thought that goes into this product’s production, your birds will enjoy eating Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feed.

This organic bird food is ideal for older layers that have begun – or about to – lay eggs. This requirement is based on the feed size since it comes in larger quantities that are suitable for bigger. It’s worth noting that this product is packed with the essential nutrients to aid both muscle growth and egg production. 

5. Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed

Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed


  • Suitable age: 18 weeks onwards

  • Form: Pellet
  • Package weight: 20lb

Similar to Small Pet Select Chicken Layer Feeds, this chicken feed is heavily loaded with nutrients thanks to the presence of plant protein and the inclusion of sun-ripened grains. This bird meal is undoubtedly what your chickens will enjoy consuming. 

Alongside producing this feed with nothing but high-quality ingredients, Brown’s makes sure that this bag of bird food contains everything your chicken needs to thrive and have eggs with strong shells and nutritious yolks. 

Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed is high in protein (up to 16%) and calcium, which is essential for growing hens that are merely 18 weeks old. In case you’re wondering, this product is free of animal fat and proteins, and contains proteins extracted from plants. The blend is also reinforced with minerals and vitamins that encourage the development of market-worthy eggs. 

Without a doubt, Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed is the best organic chicken feed for laying hens as feedback from hundreds of buyers reveal that they are satisfied with the results. The majority of poultry farmers who used this product admit that their birds produced more eggs on average when given this feed. 

Therefore, if your desire is poultry with healthy chickens that produce sturdy eggs with high-quality yolks at a naturally rapid pace, Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed is the right option for you.

Like most products on this list, the Brown’s Layer Booster Chicken Feed is designed specifically for growing hens at least 18 weeks of age. It keeps them healthy throughout their consumption days since it’s free of animal fat and stocked with the essential vitamins and minerals. 

6. Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet – Budget Pick

Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet


  • Suitable age: 1st egg onwards

  • Form: Pellet
  • Package weight: 50lb

While about some of the best chicken feed for layers, one cannot help but bring Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet into the conversation. This unique product is an organic meal for your chicken as it’s 100% free of animal fat and packed with essential proteins. 

Additionally, this chicken feed works as a natural antibiotic for your hens as it contains the essential nutrients to build the bird’s health and improve its overall fitness. It’s also a combination of enzymes and prebiotics, which boosts the fowl’s digestion.

One problem commonly associated with lousy chicken feed is the passage of excessive feces from your chickens. Fortunately, you won’t get that kind of indigestion with Kalmbach Feeds as it’s made with Crumbles, which go easy on the bird’s organs. 

What makes Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet a reliable option for your chicken is that this meal is a blend called “Lifeguard.” This mixture contains probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and essential oils that will keep your flock healthy and naturally increase your egg production.

The probiotic and prebiotic combination works to keep your chicken’s guts healthy as it ingested the organic chicken feed. Simultaneously, the essential oil supplies the bird’s body with antimicrobial properties that ensure that your flock doesn’t fall sick easily. 

The probiotic and prebiotic combination works to keep your chicken’s guts healthy as it ingested the organic chicken feed.

This product only comes in larger packaging than other feeds on this list, so if you get a chicken feeder, a bag will last you for a while. A feeder makes it easier to give your flock food without them spilling it everywhere.

Here’s the complete feed for fully developed layers and ready to fill their coop with eggs. The product comes loaded with proteins, calcium, essential oils, probiotics, prebiotics, and many other necessary ingredients. It’s also worth noting that this feed contains digestive enzymes and other valuable nutrients, making the digestion process an enjoyable experience for your flock. 

7. Scratch and Peck Feeds – Suitable For Chickens AND Ducks

Scratch and Peck Feeds


  • Suitable age: 20 weeks onwards

  • Form: Whole grain
  • Package weight: 10lb / 25lb

Last (but certainly not least) on this list is the famous Scratch and Peck Feeds. It’s an organic layer feed that is both Soy and corn-free and is non-GMO verified. This exceptional product is made from whole grains and contains a minimum of 16% protein content and other additions that help give your birds a nutritious and balanced diet. 

Scratch and Peck is also one of the best organic chicken feed for laying hens as it contains calcium that helps your hens produce sturdy eggshells. (2)

The intake of insufficient amounts of Ca may cause poor shell quality, leading to higher incidence of cracked eggs.

Therefore, you should only feed this product to chickens that are laying or those they will eventually lay eggs in the future. 

This specially formulated meal is undoubtedly one of the healthiest natural products you can offer your laying hens today. It might please you to know that this manufacturer aims to provide exceptional quality products as the ingredients are grown through substantial farming in the Pacific NW. 

Also, note that this product is suitable for birds that are over 20 weeks (4 months) of age, will be a worthwhile feeding option for your layers/hens. (3

Birds typically begin producing eggs in their twentieth or twenty-first week and continue for slightly over a year. This is the best laying period and eggs tend to increase in size until the end of the egg production cycle.

If you plan on buying in large quantities but are worried about it rotting on the shelf, don’t worry. Scratch and Peck Feed has a relatively long shelf life and doesn’t spoil quickly. It’s also easy to transport to your storage area as it weighs only 25 pounds. 

Ultimately, if you want to speed up your egg production and its quality, Scratch and Peck Feed should be on your wish list.

This Scratch and Peck Feeds was manufactured for mature layers and waterfowls – such as ducks and geese – 20 weeks old and older. The requirement is due to the organic feed being available in large portions, making it unfriendly to smaller birds’ digestive systems. Feeding this product to chickens of the appropriate age is guaranteed to produce impressive results. 

Buying Guide: How do you even choose? 

Here’s how to buy the best chicken feed, when you don’t really know what to look for

Consider The Stage of Your Chicken’s Growth

Before heading to the store to buy feed for your beloved chickens, the first thing to consider is the bird’s growth stage.

Infographic of life stages of chickens - layers and broilers

Each phase (i.e. starters, growers, and layers) requires certain essential nutrients to progress in their growth. (4

For example, starters require a diet rich in protein, which helps boost their muscle growth and bone density. On the other hand, Layers need a Calcium-rich meal, which is optimized to encourage better and healthier eggs.

What type of Chicken Feed do you want?

There are three main types of chicken feeds: medicated, non-medicated, and fermented. Medicated feeds contain a variety of medication that helps prevent your bird from contracting a potentially fatal disease. 

Non-medicated layer feeds do not contain any form of medication but are still rich in nutrients and highly beneficial to your chickens. Lastly, fermented meals don’t only boost your birds’ health but also the quality of their eggs. An excellent example of the latter is Kalmbach Feeds All Natural Layer Pellet

Some chicken owners have a preference, so if thats you, look out for the fine print.

Nutritional value

Nutritional value is the primary reason why any poultry farmer would purchase a feed in the first place. This action is because healthier chickens produce more nutritious eggs and also taste better when cooked. 

When purchasing a chicken feed, identify the one with the most vitamins, protein, calcium, minerals, and other nutrients that boost bone density – like the Manna Pro Organic Grower Crumbles.

While the demand for nutrients remains relatively consistent throughout the bird’s lifespan, they vary depending on the growth stage.

Related: The Average Chicken Lifespan: How Long Do Chickens Live?

Safety and government certifications

While some unbelievably affordable feeds in the market are loaded with various nutritional values, if they do not meet the required criteria for government certification, they are most likely harmful. 

This standard ensures that the product is free of toxins or contaminants that are both harmful to chickens (when consumed) and will harm the human that eats the eggs produced. 

Therefore, ensure that the feed you buy is undoubtedly free of elements like GMO, which can pose serious health issues to both you and the Layer. 

Different Forms of Feeds

Lastly, consider which form the feed comes in as this factor will play an essential role in the meal’s digestion. (5)

Infographic of the different chicken feed forms

Starter chicks pair perfectly with a meal in a crumbled or mashed form, making it easier to swallow and breakdown. 

On the other hand, mature chickens pair well with Pellets as they’re easy to Peck off the feeder and help minimize wastage. 

Consider which form the feed comes in as this factor will play an essential role in the meal’s digestion.

Final Thoughts

As you can see from this relatively brief review, treating your chickens with care plays an essential part in their overall health and egg production. Ultimately, if you desire the best chicken feed to nourish your chicken and increase its egg production, you’re guaranteed to find it on this list. 

It’s also worth noting that adequate housing is essential to raising healthy chickens with nutritious eggs, but the choice between buying or making one depends on your budget. If you’re trying to cut expenses, we suggest trying out these chicken coop plans.


You can buy chicken feed from the a local vendor of farming equipment, or online. All the feeds listed above are available in Amazon.

Eggs are considered organic when hens are fed organic feeds and they’re not raised in cages. All the feeds listed above are all organic.

Yes, your chickens can survive on commercial feed alone. Although they typical looks like dust with little nutritional value, they’re manufactured to contain all the elements your bird needs like calcium, protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, L-arginine, etc.

  1. What is GMO. Retrieved from:
  2. Effects of Dietary Calcium Levels on Productive Performance, Eggshell Quality and Overall Calcium Status in Aged Laying Hens. Retrieved from:
  3. Chapter 1 – Egg Production. Retrieved from:
  5. Effect of Crumble-Pellet and Mash Diets with Different Levels of Dietary Protein and Energy on the Performance of Broilers at the End of the Third Week. Retrieved from: