Chickens may be hale and hardy creatures, but that does not mean they are impervious to certain illnesses and parasites. Having chickens means you are going to have to get used to the idea of using dewormers. As such, you need to know which dewormers are the best and safest. Many people turn to Valbazen for chickens, but is it a safe dewormer, or should you try something else? Luckily, Valbazen is safe and effective. Here is what you need to know about it.
What is Valbazen For Chickens?
Valbazen is known as a “broad spectrum” dewormer, because it does more than work on a variety of parasitic worms. Liver flukes among other pests are also tackled. Plus, Valbazen works on chickens, cattle, sheep, and other pets or livestock.
Here is a list of worms that Valbazen kills:
- Barber pole worm
- Bankrupt worm
- Hookworm
- Brown stomach worm
- Tapeworms
- Stomach and intestinal worms
- Nodular worms
- Lungworms
- Gizzard worm
- Gapeworm
Signs a Chicken Has Worms
Since Valbazen is used to rid your chickens of worms, it is essential to know what a parasitic infestation looks like. Chickens pick up worms through direct ingestion or other means, such as an unclean coop.
There are many kinds of worms, but most cause symptoms like:
- Lethargy
- Weight loss
- Poor egg production
- Loose, watery droppings
- Fading in the comb and wattles
- Gasping, in the case of gapeworms
Sometimes, you may see intestinal or stomach worms show up in the droppings, as well. Be observant around your flock. If you believe that something is off, consider taking your chicken to a veterinarian for a thorough diagnosis.
Is Valbazen Safe For Chickens?
Being that Valbazen is the dewormer of choice among farmers and homesteaders, it is safe to say that, yes, Valbazen will only do good for your chickens. However, while Valbazen will not hurt your chickens, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
First, there may be some impact on the quality of eggs. Anecdotal evidence suggests that you should not eat eggs for 2 weeks after a Valbazen treatment. Others will say that it is fine to eat eggs laid after a chicken had Valbazen. How you go about this is up to you.
Secondly, even if you give your chickens Valbazen right away, they are still going to be a little weaker as their body fights off the parasites. Be kind to the members of the flock that need to be dewormed, because they are going to need plenty of rest and food to get better.
How to Use Valbazen For Chickens
If you decide to use Valbazen for your chickens, it is important to assess the severity of the worm infestation. If your chickens are suffering from worms and the symptoms are just getting worse, it is going to be difficult to kill all the worms in one shot. Remember, you should be actively worming your chickens throughout the year as a preventative measure. If you have not, start by giving your chicken Wazine, another dewormer that will start the process of eradicating the worms.
Wazine is added to their water and is highly effective at eliminating roundworms. This gives the chickens a chance to rid themselves of certain parasites. Plus, the Valbazen will be more effective later.
Use Wazine for about 10 days.
After that, start dosing your chickens with Valbazen. You can either:
- Squirt the liquid down their throat with a syringe
- Give them a piece of bread soaked in Valbazen
The first option may sound difficult, but it’s not. Your chickens will not struggle, especially if the worms are wearing them down.
The recommended dose is either:
- One half cc/ml for a standard, full grown chicken
- One quarter cc/ml for small or bantam chickens
Continue dosing your birds each day for 10 days. The worms will be gone by the end of the 10-day period.
Also, watch this video where the owner of the chicken coop shares his experience:
How Does Valbazen Work?
Now, you may be wondering, how does Valbazen work after the chickens ingest it? The reason why Valbazen is considered safe for chickens is that it targets only the parasites. Unlike Wazine, which attaches to parasites and paralyzes them, Valbazen prevents the worms from getting any nutrition.
It takes two days for the worms to starve and die.
Because of this, many chicken owners will give their flock Valbazen as a preventative measure throughout the year.
Are There Any Downsides to Using Valbazen?
One of the issues with giving chickens a dose of Valbazen is the method of administration. While picking up one chicken and giving it a squirt of Valbazen is easy, imagine having to do that with a flock of ten or twenty birds. If every single one of them is infected with worms, it will take hours to give each bird the dewormer.
If you try feeding your birds Valbazen-soaked bread, you run the risk of some birds getting more or less of the dewormer. You never know which chickens were treated or if they got enough.
Unfortunately, that means that Valbazen may not be best when you have multiple chickens that need deworming. It is easier when you can quarantine one or two and tend to their needs separately.
If you have a large flock that needs worming, consider Wazine and other methods of deworming that are mentioned below.
What to Do After Using Valbazen
Now let’s talk about post-Valbazen care. Your chickens are going to feel a little under the weather after being infested by parasites. As such, they are going to be a bit sluggish during that 10-day period of deworming. Their bodies work hard to expel the vermin, meaning they are going to need nutritious food for energy.
The best way to ensure your chickens bounce back quickly from being infested and dewormed is to provide a high-protein diet alongside probiotics. For example, you may want to give your chickens some scrambled eggs, plain (unsweetened) yogurt, and buttermilk. Provide your chickens with fresh fruits and vegetables, as well. The fiber will help push everything through.
Other Methods For Worming Chickens
Valbazen is one of the best choices for deworming chickens, but it is not always going to work. You do not want to rely on Valbazen to perform miracles. By combining several methods, you can effectively rid your whole flock of worms and keep them from getting infested a second time.
Here are some other ways to deworm your chickens:
- Give your chickens apple cider vinegar. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your chickens’ supply of water. Apple cider vinegar can kill internal parasites and provide your flock with healthy vitamins and minerals for their immune systems.
- Feed your flock garlic cloves. Grab a couple of fresh cloves and grind or mince the garlic into small pieces. The phytonutrients in garlic are highly effective at killing intestinal worms, while improving motility. Your chickens will be less vulnerable to infestation when garlic is included in their feed.
- Sprinkle a little diatomaceous earth around. You can mix some diatomaceous earth into your chicken’s dust bath or water or feed. All you need is about 1 tablespoon. This natural powder works by suffocating external and internal parasites.
By being proactive and using natural dewormers alongside keeping the run and coop clean, your chickens should experience fewer infestations. Throughout the year, give your chickens some Valbazen, just to be sure that there is no chaos brewing in their bodies.
Final Thoughts on Valbazen
Valbazen is one of the best dewormers for chicken and other livestock available. It is safe and effective, capable of starving worms within 2 days. After the 10-day period, your flock will feel significantly better. Next time your chickens are showing signs of a worm infestation, be sure to pick up some Wazine and Valbazen. Don’t wait to deworm your flock.
Valerie has been content writing since 2016 for websites and companies all around the world. A traveler, dancer, martial artist, Valerie loves gathering experiences and wisdom. Her travels have taken her to over 20 countries, and she hopes to see more of the world soon.