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Green Queen Chicken Breed: Eggs & Raising Tips

Do you love Easter Egger chickens for their green eggs? If you found yourself wishing for another chicken breed that could deliver colorful eggs, you are in luck. The Green Queen hybrid is an incredible new breed that not only brings a striking appearance to your yard but also dozens of lovely green eggs. Here is everything you need to know about Green Queen chickens, including what they like, their temperament, and how many eggs you can expect from these gorgeous hens.

Overview of Green Queen Chicken Breed

Here is a brief glimpse at the characteristics of this hybrid:

Weight4-5 lbs
Egg Production280-320 eggs per year (4-6 eggs per week)
Egg ColorShades of green, blue, pink, and brown; speckling likely
Egg SizeMedium to large
Laying Maturity16-20 weeks
TemperamentFriendly, calm, independent
Foraging AbilityHigh

History of Green Queen Chickens

Being that the Green Queen is a newer hybrid on the market, there is not much history to discuss. What you need to know is that they were introduced by Meyer Hatchery in 2020 after a large number of customers asked for more green egg layers. Basically, the Green Queen is a new variant of the ever-popular Easter Egger chicken, another hybrid known for its brilliant green eggs.

Meyer Hatchery has not stated which breeds are used in the making of the Green Queen. However, because green eggs require blue egg genes, you can be certain that there is some Araucana or Ameraucana in there. Furthermore, many Green Queens have five toes, not four, which leads many to believe that there is some Faverolle or Silkie mixed in. Expect a variety of colors and appearances, including red wattles, combs, and fluffy muffs around the necks of your Green Queens.

They are a mixed bag in appearance, but these chickens do not disappoint in terms of egg production and personality.

In 2022, Meyer Hatchery also introduced the bantam version of the Green Queen. The hen weighs around 30 ounces, and the rooster weighs 32 ounces. If you want some small birds with loads of personality, check them out!

This video introduces the Green Queen, so check it out for more information:

Physical Characteristics of Green Queen Chickens

Appearance-wise, the Green Queen is a striking bird. No two Green Queens look alike. You might anticipate them to look like Easter Eggers, and some do, but you are never going to know what the grown chicks look like until they have matured. That said, there are some things that all Green Queens tend to have in common: muffs, beards, and a medium-size. Green Queens also generally have red earlobes.

Their skin color varies, as do the number of toes and the color of their shackles. Different Green Queens have different comb types, feather colors, and patterns. Many are white or cream, but there are also black Green Queens with iridescence on their feathers. Most Green Queens have a tail, though those with Araucana blood tend to have a rougher looking tail.

You can anticipate Green Queen roosters (would that make them kings?) to weigh around 5 pounds. Hens are generally 4 pounds. Roosters are slightly more sleek and upright than the females, though their overall appearance is just as varied as the ladies’.

Green Queen Temperament and Personality

Generally, the Green Queen is a wonderful chicken for beginners, because they are very friendly and docile. No one has yet to report these chickens being aggressive. As such, they are a good choice for backyards where small children and pets are wandering around. In fact, these chickens tend to make decent companions, as they will climb onto your lap for pets and a treat.

The Green Queen’s hardiness and adaptability are also noteworthy. As a hybrid breed, it is bred to be resilient and disease-resistant. These chickens can thrive in a range of climates, from hot and humid to cold and dry, and can do well in both free-range and confinement settings.

You do not have to worry about these chickens if you let them forage. They have excellent instincts. Should a predator come skulking about, you can expect the rooster to raise the alarm and attack. The hens may also fight back before fleeing to safety. However, this protectiveness does not translate to aggression. Green Queens will rarely bully other members of the flock, and so you can integrate them into mixed flocks with hens of a similar temperament without any issue.

Green Queen Chicken Egg Production

One of the reasons why Green Queen chickens are new but already incredibly popular is that they lay more than 300 eggs per year on average. According to Meyer Hatchery, you can expect 4-6 eggs per week. Eggs are usually medium to large in size.

Being that Green Queens are a variant of Easter Egger chickens, they lay the same olive-colored eggs often. However, nothing is set in stone, especially when it comes to designer colors like green. You may find mint-colored eggs, sage, olive, pastel, or even browns, cream, blue-green, and pink eggs in the nesting boxes. Therefore, Green Queens do not solely lay green eggs.

If you want green eggs all the time, this is something to keep in mind. Otherwise, Green Queens will not let you down when it comes to their production. They do not stop during the winter, meaning your family won’t go hungry. You may get fewer eggs, but the only time these chickens stop laying is when they molt.

Are Green Queen Hens Broody?

No, Green Queen hens do not go broody. Being that they are a hybrid breed made for the sole purpose of laying loads of eggs, they do not have that drive. You do not have to worry about your Green Queens getting bogged down with the desire to take care of their chicks. They will not sit on the eggs. However, the downside is that you will not be hatching many Green Queen eggs.

Now, it is important to keep in mind that, like Easter Eggers, Green Queens do not breed true. Even if you manage to have another hen sit on the eggs and hatch them, the chicks are going to be something else, not a Green Queen.

Caring and Raising Tips

In terms of care, the Green Queen is a relatively low-maintenance breed. Here are some care and raising tips to help you get the most eggs and love from your Green Queen flock.

Health Concerns

Green Queens are hardy. You do not have to worry about hereditary issues. Although it is difficult to determine their gene pool, the breeds associated with the creation of Easter Eggers and Green Queens do not have many problems to speak about. That said, Green Queens are just as susceptible to common poultry problems as any other breed. They can become infected with bacterial, fungal, and viral issues, including worms, Staph, avian pox, and fowlpox. Lice, mites, and fleas are another issue to keep in the back of your mind, especially if your Green Queens have feathered feet.

In order to prevent your Green Queens from getting sick, do as much preventative care as possible. Ensure their home is clean and sanitary. Check their feathers and feet regularly for any signs of infection. If they get injured, cleanse and disinfect the wounds. Also, routinely add dewormer to your flock’s water supply to halt intestinal parasites before they get too bad.

Feeding Green Queens

Although Green Queens lay many eggs throughout the year, they do not have any special feeding needs. So long as you are providing your Green Queens with nutritious, high-quality feed, they will be fine. Chicks should receive a starter with 20% protein. Once they have reached 6-7 weeks of age, you can switch to a 16-18% grower feed. That will ensure they mature without any issues.

Around 16-20 weeks, the pullets will start laying. You can then lower the feed to 16% protein, so long as you are providing your chickens some crushed oyster shells for calcium and grit. The calcium supplement will help your chickens produce quality green eggs. Additionally, you should give your chickens vegetables and fruit as a treat. Though treats aren’t required, they can help fill in nutritional gaps and also stimulate your chickens, making them happier.

A happy chicken is a productive chicken. 

Also, do not forget to provide your chickens with fresh water throughout the day. Any contaminated water should be thrown out immediately and replaced.

Setting Up The Coop

Being that Green Queen chickens are not large chickens, you do not have to worry too much about setting the coop up a special way. These chickens are adaptable; given them about 4 square feet of personal space and they will be happy. For roosting space, 8-10 inches for each is more than enough.

However, the one thing you do need to consider is the other bullies. Green Queens are not aggressive chickens; they are really quite docile. They will need their own space away from the more bold personalities so that they do not get attacked in the coop.

Furthermore, nesting boxes should be 12×12 inches. Have a nesting box for every 3 hens.

Aside from the coop, your Green Queens should have space to roam. Though they do not mind confinement, they do love to forage for their own food. By allowing them to free range, you provide them with hours of stimulation, exercise, and food. If you do not have the means to let them free range, at least provide an adequately sized chicken run.

Final Thoughts on the Green Queen Chicken

Is the Green Queen the hybrid chicken you have been waiting for? With their hardiness, adaptability, and friendly temperament, they are an attractive option for backyard chicken keepers and small-scale farmers. While they may not be as well-known as some other breeds, the Green Queen’s striking appearance and versatile qualities make them well worth considering. Why not bring a couple Green Queens home? You are bound to love them.