Looking for a uniquely cute chicken breed to brighten up your yard? A Frizzle Showgirl Silkie is an adorable breed with some of the wildest traits around, including a naked neck and button-like plume. These chickens are going to be the talk of the town when you introduce them to your flock. Here is everything you need to know about this gorgeous bantam breed, the Frizzle Showgirl chicken.
Frizzle Showgirl Chicken Breed Profile
Purpose | Ornamental |
Breed Size | Bantam |
Comb Color | Walnut |
Broodiness | Extremely High |
Climate | Warm |
Egg Productivity | 80-150 eggs a year |
Egg Color | Light Brown |
Egg Size | Small |
Temperament | Friendly, docile, and tolerant of confinement |
Breed Colors | White, buff, black, blue, splash, paint, partridge, lavender, and more |
Showgirl Chicken Breed Information
The Showgirl chicken is a newer breed that was created for exhibition in the 21st century. However, their bloodline is rich with history. The Showgirl Silkie does not always come with frizzle feathers. This is based on the genetics of these breeds. Showgirl chickens have a lineage combining Transylvanian Naked Necks (also known as a Turken) and Silkies.
As the name suggests, Transylvanian Naked Necks have no feathers on their necks. Because of their look, Turkens look like tiny turkeys and are sometimes thought to be a cross between turkeys and chickens.
On the other side, the Silkies are a bantam breed that have furry, soft plumage. Their feathers are not regular, since those feathers lack barbicles.
The Showgirl Silkie has the same characteristics of the Silkies as well as a naked neck from the Turken. On their chest is a puff of feathers that resembles a brooch or bowtie. It’s a fancy look that is paired with the plume atop their head, making them look very much like their namesake.
Frizzle Showgirl chickens come in different colors, depending on their parentage. Showgirls are often blue, buff, white, black, and lavender. Similar to Silkies, Showgirls have walnut combs, feathered feet, and five toes.
The Male Showgirl
Let’s take a moment to talk about the Showgirl rooster. Yes, roosters that are the result of a Silkie and Turken combination are also called Showgirls. Also, roosters can also develop frizzled feathers. Showgirl chickens are not autosexing, so you have to look at the combs, crests, and wattles as the birds start to develop. A Showgirl rooster generally develops their wattles and combs faster than the hens, and they can also have streamers — longer feathers that stick out of the comb.
Showgirl roosters have the same quiet disposition of females. Most Silkies are friendly and curious, so you should not expect your Showgirl rooster to be the most talkative bird in the yard. However, they will start crowing around 5 months old.
What About Frizzle Showgirl Chickens?
As mentioned earlier, the frizzle look is not the normal outcome of the Showgirl chicken, but it is a genetic possibility. Frizzle Showgirl chickens look much like a standard Showgirl, but they have dark naked necks and disheveled plumage. Frizzle Showgirls are “frizzles,” because they have curly, scraggly feathers. The only difference between regular Showgirl chickens and Frizzles is that the latter is slightly larger.
Frizzle Showgirl chickens are 6-8 pounds. Some Frizzle Showgirl chickens may have 4 or 5 toes. Typically, they also have red eyes and yellow beaks.
The Disposition of Frizzle Showgirl Chickens
Wondering if Frizzle Showgirls are friendly chickens? They certainly are! Like Silkies and Showgirls, the Frizzle variety is a quiet, calm chicken that enjoys human companionship. These chickens are happy to roam around a fenced in yard, and they are rather good at remaining out of trouble. You might assume that these birds are oblivious to their surroundings, since they are an ornamental breed, but they have good survival instincts.
Showgirls vs Silkies Comparison
Wondering what the difference is between a Showgirl and Silkie? There is not much separating these breeds. For one, the Frizzle Showgirl chicken breed is merely a Silkie with a naked neck and tuft of hair atop its head. The Transylvanian Naked Neck chicken was introduced into the breeding line to give Silkies an even more unique look. The featherless neck of the Showgirl comes from the Turken breed. A Showgirl chicken is often referred to as a Showgirl Silkie for this reason.
Breeding a Frizzle Showgirl Chicken
Essentially, a Showgirl chicken is a Silkie chicken bred alongside a bantam naked neck chicken, such as a Turken. The naked neck and bowtie combination took several generations to make it a true characteristic of the Showgirl breed.
In order to breed a Showgirl chicken, you need two naked neck chickens, such as a Turken rooster and a Showgirl hen. These will give you the standard characteristics of the Showgirl Silkie. Some Showgirls will one or two tufts on the neck. You may also get one that with a completely featherless neck.
To get a Frizzled Showgirl chicken, you need to consider the genetic component. Since frizzling is not a commonly occurring trait in the Showgirl breed, you need to introduce a chicken with frizzled feathers into the bloodline.
Frizzling is a dominant gene that makes the shaft of the feather curl up and away from the body, unlike normal chickens. Chickens can inherit frizzled feathers from a single parent. If two frizzle chickens are bred, the result is a Frazzle.
It’s important to keep in mind that breeding a Frizzle Showgirl chicken is a game of chance. Since you have one parent with frizzled feathers, there is a 50/50 chance that the chicks develop the same plumage. It may take a couple of attempts to get the Frizzled Showgirl of your dreams (unless you purchase the chicks from a breed directly).
Do Frizzle Showgirl Chickens Lay Eggs?
Yes, showgirl chickens do lay eggs. In fact, their egg production is similar to the silkie breed. They can lay between 80 and 140 eggs a year. Showgirl hens tend to be on the broodier side, and they are exceptional mothers. If you want to hatch some of the eggs, give them to your showgirl hens. These ladies will hatch, rear, and protect the chicks (or ducks and other birds), even if they didn’t lay those eggs.
The eggs are on the small side and can be colored between cream or a tinted brown.
Caring For Frizzle Showgirl Chickens
The Showgirl chicken breed might look a little more frail than other breeds, but they have no true health issues. The only thing that you need to be careful about is the height of their roosts. Silkies and Showgirls require low nesting boxes and perches, as well as ladders to reach higher places.
Furthermore, since Showgirl chickens do not have any feathers on their necks, they have a lower resistance to cold temperatures. In wet climates, their feathered feet are susceptible to injuries. Ensure that they have a dry and warm place to hang out when it is rainy outside.
Lastly, Showgirl chickens should not be introduced to a mixed flock with larger chickens prone to bullying. Showgirl chickens are small, and their disposition often makes them a target of aggressive behaviors.
Feeding Frizzle Showgirl Chickens
Most chicken keepers will tell you that your Silkies and Showgirls don’t need a special diet. Since they are on the smaller side, supply your Showgirls with about ¼ pound of chicken feed daily. Also, they need a 16% layer feed throughout most of the year, but when molting season begins, up the protein intake to 18-20%. That will be enough protein to help your Showgirl chickens regrow their frizzled feathers.
Additionally, you may want to supply your lovely ladies with some oyster shell grit for extra calcium. As with most breeds, your Showgirl chickens are going to enjoy a broad range of treats, like fruits, vegetables, and cracked corn.
Final Thoughts on Frizzle Showgirl Chickens
Undoubtedly, Frizzle Showgirl chickens are going to be a great addition to your flock. While they do not lay a lot of eggs and have little meat for eating, they are a friendly companion and make excellent mothers. Showgirls have a loving disposition, so they come highly recommended. Just remember not to introduce them to a mixed flock with more aggressive breeds, since they are prone to bullying.
Valerie has been content writing since 2016 for websites and companies all around the world. A traveler, dancer, martial artist, Valerie loves gathering experiences and wisdom. Her travels have taken her to over 20 countries, and she hopes to see more of the world soon.