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Chicken Ears and Earlobes: Do Chicken Have Them?

Chickens are fascinating. Not only are they appreciated for their delicious eggs and succulent meat, but they also can be charming companions around the home. Yet, most people do not know much about the finer details of chicken biology. For example, have you ever wondered if chickens have ears or earlobes like people? Additionally, how well can chickens hear? It’s time to explore these questions and uncover some intriguing insights.

Do Chickens Have Ears and Earlobes?

Closeup of a Brown Chicken Head and Earlobe

Yes, chickens have ears. In fact, those ears and lobes begin developing quickly — around the twelfth day of incubation. However, a chicken’s ears are not as conspicuous as a human’s or a cat’s, for example. Chickens do not have external ears with visible earflaps. Instead, their ears are discreetly concealed beneath a protective layer of feathers on the sides of their heads. When you gently push aside these feathers, you’ll reveal the chicken’s ear openings, which are small and subtle little holes.

Like most birds, chickens do not have a prominent pinnae, or an external ear structure. The absence of visible external ears is an adaptation that minimizes the risk of damage from environmental factors such as debris or parasites. Instead, chickens rely on their sleek, streamlined heads, which help reduce wind resistance during flight and protect their delicate ears from harm.

The Anatomy of a Chicken’s Ear

Now, you may be thinking, but how do their ears work? Chickens may not have the same kind of ears you have, but their auditory systems are sophisticated. There are a couple of structures within the chicken’s ear that helps it to hear, such as:


In place of the three small bones of the mammalian middle ear (the malleus, incus, and stapes), chickens have a single structure called the columella. The columella is a slender, bony rod that extends from the eardrum to the inner ear. It plays a pivotal role in transmitting sound vibrations from the eardrum to the cochlea, where sound is processed.

Inner Ear

The inner ear of a chicken is responsible for the initial analysis of sound vibrations. Inside the cochlea, specialized nerve endings receive the vibrations and convert them into electrical signals. These signals are then transmitted via the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are processed and recognized as sound.

The Function of Chicken Ears

While chicken ears may not be immediately apparent, they serve essential functions in their everyday lives. Chickens, both wild and domesticated, rely on their acute sense of hearing for various aspects of survival and communication.

Here are some functions of the chicken ear:

Predator Detection & Environmental Awareness

Chickens are vigilant creatures that are highly attuned to their surroundings. They will listen to the leaves rustling in the wind, the crunch of gravel under your boots, and react based on how they perceive those sounds. Obviously, when they can hear an approaching predator, this increases the odds of the chicken and their flock escaping unscathed.


Chickens are not mute creatures; they communicate with one another using a repertoire of vocalizations. From the distinctive crow of a rooster to the clucks, chirps, and cackles of hens, these sounds are essential for conveying information within the flock. The auditory signals help chickens coordinate activities, signal danger, and maintain social bonds.


In addition to hearing, the inner ear is crucial for maintaining balance — a function that is especially important for birds that fly. This intricate balance system helps chickens navigate their surroundings and maintain stability during various activities, such as foraging and roosting.

How Well Can Chickens Hear?

white chickens head

Now that you know that yes, chickens do indeed have ears and earlobes, the next question is, “How well can they hear?” Despite the small size of their ears, chickens possess exceptional hearing. It is believed that their auditory abilities developed long ago, when the ancestors of domesticated chickens needed to rely on their hearing to survive.

Interestingly, the distance between a chicken’s ears plays a role in their hearing ability. When a noise occurs, their brains instantly calculate the time it takes for the sound to reach each ear, allowing them to pinpoint the direction of the sound. This keen sense of hearing serves as a critical survival tool, enabling chickens to detect potential dangers and alert their fellow flock members swiftly.

In a stark contrast to humans, who often experience gradual hearing loss as they age, chickens maintain perfect hearing throughout their relatively short lives, which typically span less than a decade. The reason for this remarkable difference lies in their ability to regenerate hair cells in their cochlea, a feature that sets them apart from most mammals, including humans.

Chickens are not the only members of the animal kingdom with regenerative hearing cells. Reptiles, amphibians, fish, and certain other bird species also possess this remarkable capability, allowing them to continuously repair damaged cells and preserve their hearing function.

Can Chickens Suffer From Ear Problems?

Yes, chickens can develop ear-related issues. When a hen’s ear succumbs to infection, it can manifest as a troubling issue characterized by the accumulation of a viscous, yellow waxy substance. These ear infections are more common than one might think but often go undiagnosed, with symptoms frequently mistaken for signs of a stroke or neurological disorder. For instance, a hen might be stumbling around, acting drunk, due to an inner ear infection.

However, there’s good news — these infections are highly treatable with the right intervention, which typically involves a course of antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian. Plus, as you learned earlier, the cells within a chicken’s ear regenerate.

In the video below, you can see how a chicken’s ear is treated in the hospital:

Are Chickens Irritated By Loud Noises?

Since chickens have great hearing, it makes sense that loud noises may upset them. Chickens do not enjoy loud noises. Even if they cannot experience any permanent hearing damage from loud bangs and booms, any noise at a high volume will make them uncomfortable. This is why it is recommended to put your chicken coop in a calm, quiet environment, if possible. Stressed chickens are unhappy chickens, and unhappy chickens cannot lay as many eggs as you’d like.

In fact, some chickens dislike loud noises so much that they will go on a hunger strike, refusing to eat so long as the disruptive sounds persist.

As such, if you find that your chickens seem stressed and are laying fewer eggs, it may be wise to ask if there have been any strange or loud noises recently. For instance, maybe someone is doing construction nearby? Maybe there is a storm coming?

Can Chickens Recognize Human Commands?

Yes, chickens can recognize your voice. Sure, the feathered members of your flock may not always respond with the same level of enthusiasm as a child or dog, but they do understand to a degree. Domesticated chickens can indeed recognize and respond to human voices and gestures, especially if they are raised on a farm and regularly interact with their human caregivers.

Chickens quickly learn to associate humans with food providers and may exhibit a degree of trust towards those who care for them. Although they might not be as affectionate as pets, some chickens may follow their owners around the yard or even purr, or “trill,” when their plumage is gently stroked, demonstrating a subtle form of affection.

Earlobes and Eggshells — Is There a Connection?

Chickens have earlobes, and those lobes may be a different color from their combs and wattles. Within this color difference is a bit of mystery. You may be surprised to learn that the color of a chicken’s earlobes has a connection to eggshell color. Chickens with white earlobes tend to lay white eggs, while those with red or brown earlobes usually produce eggs with brown shells. This connection has been a subject of scientific research for decades, and although it’s not a perfect rule, it holds true for many chicken breeds.

The underlying reason for this phenomenon lies in the genetics of eggshell pigmentation. The genes responsible for eggshell color are linked to the same genes that determine earlobe color. While the relationship isn’t always straightforward, it’s a fascinating example of how genetics can influence various traits in chickens.

Final Thoughts on Chicken Ears and Earlobes

Do chickens have ears and earlobes? They sure do. While the ears of a chicken may be hidden, their ears have adapted over centuries to detect sounds in their environment and communicate with one another effectively. Furthermore, there is a connection between a hen’s earlobe color and the eggs she lays! So, the next time you hear the cheerful clucking of a chicken or savor a farm-fresh egg, you can appreciate the hidden wonders of these remarkable birds, whose ears, though modest, play a significant role in their lives.