Chickens are known for being scavengers and opportunistic eaters who will go whatever they can. There are many kinds of foods they shouldn’t be allowed to get their beaks into, however. So that raises the question: Can chickens eat rice? Should you be giving them uncooked rice, or are they in the same danger as other kinds of birds? Rice is a beloved ingredient throughout the world, but that doesn’t mean it is beneficial to your flock. Let’s discuss which varieties of rice are good for chickens, which ones to avoid, and how to make this treat one that your chickens will love.
Can Chickens Eat Rice?
Yes, chickens can eat rice; it happens to be very nutritious for them. Not only that, but rice can be served up to chickens a number of ways. Some varieties of rice are more beneficial and safer, but all kinds of rice can be safely consumed without any harm befalling your flock. Cooked rice is the best for chickens, because the texture and size is easiest for them to swallow and digest. And while every chicken has their own preferences, a vast majority of birds favor cooked rice over uncooked rice, as it tastes better.
Therefore, if you have any leftover white or brown rice from your Chinese food yesterday, or if you make too big a pot of wild rice, don’t be afraid to toss some to your chickens. They will handle any scraps of rice for you.
Can Baby Chickens Be Given Rice?
No, baby chickens should never be given anything but a quality chicken starter. Up to 8-10 weeks old, baby chicks have vastly different nutritional needs. Starter chick feed is the best for that time, as it has been formulated to supply the chicks with the calories and nutrients needed for growth. Rice also does not have enough protein to satisfy a growing chick.
For the best outcome, avoid feeding your chicks anything with rice in it until they have reached 6 months old.
Can Chickens Eat White Rice?
Yes, chickens can have white rice. There is one problem with white rice, though: it is less nutritionally dense than unprocessed rice. White rice has had the other shell stripped from it, leaving behind the softer insides. While white rice still has some vitamins and minerals, it has far less than brown rice.
Should Chickens Eat Brown Rice?
If you are going to give your chickens rice, select brown rice before anything else. Short grain brown rice, brown basmati, brown jasmine, and mixtures with brown and wild rice are all excellent options, as these still contain the outer hull. Since these kinds of rice are minimally processed, they have more vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein than white rice.
Can I Give Chickens Flavored Rice?
This is not the best option for chickens. Flavored packets of rice often contain additives that can be bad for your feathered friends. Not only has the rice in these packets been ultra-processed, but there is also sodium added. Since your chickens get all the sodium they need from their chicken feed, you should never give them foods with added salt. Some flavored rice also includes butter, oils, or milk-based products, which is also bad for chickens when given in excess.
What About Uncooked Rice?
Humans may struggle to digest uncooked rice, but your chickens won’t. Chickens have evolved to process a lot of hard foods without any issue. Both cooked and uncooked rice are safe for chickens. In fact, uncooked rice has been used around the world for chickens. Japanese farmers, for example, often throw their unused portions of cooked sticky white rice to their chickens and have observed no negative side effects.
If you are wary about giving uncooked rice to your chickens, don’t. Cooked rice is easy enough to make in small batches whenever you want to give your flock a tasty treat.
Does Eating Rice Make Chickens Explode?
There is a myth out there that says you should not give birds rice because it makes them pop. Since there is no scientific proof out there that proves this to be true, you could chalk it up as a misconception. Uncooked rice will not make your chickens explode. Many chicken owners have been giving chickens and other species of birds rice for decades and never reported their feathered friends exploding.
While uncooked and cooked rice can potentially suck up the moisture in a chicken’s crop and cause impaction, this is rare. In fact, rice is digested relatively quickly, giving it no time to expand. Chickens have digestive systems designed to process raw grains, including rice. So you don’t have to worry about the crop swelling up or the rice remaining undigested in their stomachs.
Your chickens will do just fine with whatever kind of rice you give them!
What Rice-Based Products Should Chickens Not Eat?
Now that you know that chickens can safely eat cooked and uncooked rice of many kinds, you should know that some rice-based items are off limits. Some people will give their chickens things like rice cakes or rice krispie treats, but that’s not the best idea. Anything that has little to no nutritional value for your chickens should be avoided entirely.
Cocoa krispies and similar cereals, rice cakes, crispy rice treats, flavored rice mixes, rice pudding and so on all have added sugar and sodium. Sticky binding ingredients are also used to keep rice treats from falling apart, which could, in turn, make the snack difficult to swallow. Furthermore, too much salt or sugar will negatively impact your chickens.
You should never give anything containing chocolate to your birds, as it is poisonous to chickens.
Benefits of Feeding Chickens Rice
Rice has been demonized for having a high calorie content, so many people tend to rule it out as a healthy food. However, brown and wild rice are particularly high in many vitamins and minerals that boost your wellbeing. This is also true for your chickens. Here are some of the nutrients present in rice, as well as how your chickens benefit from eating them:
Chickens need magnesium for a couple of things, including forming strong bones. Magnesium also plays a role in eggshell formation and metabolizing carbohydrates.
Are your chickens struggling to lay a decent number of eggs? Are those eggs lacking in quality? Then your ladies may need some selenium. Brown rice contains about 19 mcg of selenium, making a smart choice for your chickens. Selenium assists with semen quality, egg hatching, egg production, and protects the body from free radicals.
Free-ranging chickens often do not require as much selenium as chickens kept in a run. Selenium can sometimes be found in the soil around your home.
Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is required for the optimal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. Both baby chickens and adult chickens need thiamine in order to grow strong. Thiamine deficiency results in a wry neck, tremors, and weakness of the legs. Adult chickens will also have a lack of appetite, often leading to them becoming emaciated and dying.
Niacin is another important B vitamin. Many birds, including ducks and chickens, need niacin in their diet to keep their digestive and nervous systems functioning properly. Without enough niacin, chickens may have skin and feather problems, as well as bowed legs. Metabolic disorders are also a result of insufficient niacin.
Also known as Vitamin B6, pyridoxine is essential to brain development and helps your chickens regulate their internal clock. Pyridoxine is also used by the body to break down essential amino acids, which is also present in rice. This makes rice highly digestible and bioavailable.
How Much Rice To Give Chickens?
Since the amount of rice you give to your flock depends on the number of chickens in it, the number you should keep in mind is 10%. Never let treats of any kind, including rice, exceed 10% of your chicken’s caloric intake. This means that a cup of rice every 3-4 days is perfectly safe, but you should avoid daily rice-based treats. Your chickens may become addicted to the treats and refuse to eat their feed.
Ideas For Feeding Rice to Chickens
Want to treat your chickens right? Give them the option to taste plenty of different foods. Just like you would grow bored eating the same thing over and over again (and also become malnourished), your chickens are similar. They are omnivorous, so you have to give them a balanced variety of foods. For this reason, you can partner rice with other scraps, including leftover vegetables and fruits.
Safe fruits and vegetables include:
- Carrots and carrot tops
- Melon
- Swiss chard
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Red bell peppers
- Pumpkin
- Cauliflower
- Squash
- Cucumbers
- Apples (without seeds)
- Cranberries
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Grapes
- Bananas
Steamed or boiled rice can also be scattered around the yard or put into aluminum foil pans. Uncooked rice can be blended together with pellets or other kinds of cereal grains, including oats and quinoa. You could also use rice while making suet or flock blocks for your birds. Toss in some mealworms or sunflower seeds for good measure.
Make sure you clean up any rice that is left behind, as it could attract dangerous predators into the yard.
Final Thoughts on Rice For Chickens
Can chickens eat rice? Yes, they can; it is a good addition to their diet. While cooked or uncooked rice can be added, it should not be more than 10% of a chicken’s total calories. Make sure you are choosing the healthiest of types, as well, since that ensures your chickens get the most nutrients from the rice. Steer clear of rice with additives or flavorings, as well as rice-based snacks. Do that, and your chickens will enjoy rice just as much as you do.
Valerie has been content writing since 2016 for websites and companies all around the world. A traveler, dancer, martial artist, Valerie loves gathering experiences and wisdom. Her travels have taken her to over 20 countries, and she hopes to see more of the world soon.